Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer at the Independence Mine

There's a very short life cycle up here: for about 8 weeks flowers are in bloom and everything is very green and lush.  On the few days when the sun comes out, the valley sparkles.


  1. hi Dan
    love your blog - so glad I found it
    I've been kind of intrigued with Alaska since
    seeing Northern Exposure ... so this is like
    my perfect blog
    these photos are astounding
    ... that 2nd one kills me

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So on the morning of July 19th, we had "termination dust" on the mountains. AKA, there was a thin layer of snow on the peaks...within hours it had melted. Termination dust is usually an indication that the summer is almost over. To recap, we had six inches of snow on June 16th and termination dust on July 19th.

  4. Thanks George! Have never seen Northern Exposure, will have to check it out. I hear its based on the town of Talketna.

  5. I'd be interested in what you make to it
    (and it's portrayal of alaskan life)
    you're going to have a whole new perspective
    of it, different to someone watching wide-eyed
    from the uk(!)
    - George

  6. Well, there are a lot of crazies up here. I'm interested to see how they are portrayed.
